
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 1:12:30 GMT
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When Eden returns from fixing up Knox's face, she steps into her apartment and drops her medical bag by the door. Her back hits the door and she slides down, taking a couple deep breaths as she hugs her knees to her chest.

She was only needed for her needles and skill.

Not because they were friends.

There was someone else who could provide that, now.

Eden sniffles defiantly, rubbing at her nose. She's frustrated as hell, but mostly just defeated. Especially after how she had just left August here to go care for someone who hasn't spoken to her in months.

"August?" She calls out for him, still sitting on the floor by the door. She lets her legs slide out, hands resting under her thighs.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 1:32:15 GMT
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she hasn't talked about him much. he'd seen her face when he'd texted her before and the face thereafter when she'd ignored him. and he hadn't prodded, hadn't asked, mostly because he wasn't really sure how. should he be worried about this guy? he can gather that they're friends, but the hold he has over her is...worrisome. 

so he's a bit of a mess when she leaves after she'd locked herself in the bathroom and went fucking batshit for a spell. he does what usually calms him down and does some katas with remus, but the apartment is cramped, even though it's so big and lonely without her in it. 

his phone's right beside him and it flashes when she texts him to say she's almost done. he wants to call, ask for more than that, but she'll be here soon. and she'll need him then. 

and need him she does. he pokes his head around the door, hair slick by his temples from his sweat. he approaches warily, but slides down beside her, holding an arm out in case she wants to snuggle close. 

"warning: i'm a bit ripe." he waits. "how'd it go?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 1:43:30 GMT
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Eden smiles as he rounds the corner, her eyebrows raising as she sees the sweat at his temples, the way his body glistens. He's exerted himself.

She's done this.

She leans into him, despite his "ripeness," and laughs at his words, kissing his cheek. "He was a fucking mess." She murmurs softly. "His nose was broken, cheek split to the bone..." She takes a shaky breath and closes her eyes, sighing.

And he had been here, worried, upset, probably scared she'll go fucking mental again. She clears her throat and leans back a bit, sniffling. She's glad her nose is stuffy, because he does stink a bit. "I'm sorry I left... like that. It wasn't fair to you."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 1:58:25 GMT
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she leans into him and all is right with the world. except, of course, it's not. because even though she's back, it doesn't look like she's made it back in one piece. it makes him want to punch the asshat himself. what's one more bruise? 

but he holds his tongue and his fantasies and eden a little closer, too. "it was hard to see him like that," he says. "it's okay." he's not good at this. he's not good at 'talking through feelings' and almost wants to offer if she wants to do some katas with him. 

but then he relents, because she'd already sunk to her knees in front of their door. his brows furrow and he wraps his other arm around her. 

"hey now, don't do that. you had to go help a friend. i get it. i just want you to be okay, princess. so tell me how to help."
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 2:10:58 GMT
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Eden smiles at the way he actually soothes and tries to help her work through the complex feelings she's having. Reaching out, she wipes a bead of sweat from his temple, and leans in to kiss him. She's tender with him, careful to placate him back.

"I'm sure you have questions about him." She speaks quietly, swallowing hard. "I think I should probably answer them. I'm ready to talk about it. If you want to ask." Because she doesn't feel for Knox the way she used to; because those feelings, somewhere along the line, had shifted into familial, and her heart had been stealthily taken away from her by someone else. Someone else who saw all the rips and tears and holes and decided that "yes, this one is good for me," and that was that.

And he was the one here, right now. Making sure that she would be alright.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 6, 2021 4:14:30 GMT
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he isn't so sure. does he want to talk about him? if this guy is going to come back into eden's life, surely he should at least have some idea of who he is. but getting called out of the blue because your face is fucking smashed in isn't really the best look. and it raises a lot of red flags for august. 

he's not gonna tell her she can't see him, of course, but he's not gonna like it. 

she seems to want to talk about it though, so he indulges her. because she seems to be relaxing a bit so it could be helping. 

"do you think you're gonna see him again?" he asks. he tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. brushes away the wetness under her eyes. 
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2021 0:48:07 GMT
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Licking her lips, Eden shrugs her shoulders, squinting a bit as she thinks. "Well, I'm not sure..." She sighs softly. "That's really up to him. He seems pretty preoccupied right now, so..." She leans into his touch and smiles.

"You know, once upon a time, I did have feelings for him." She admits, before shaking her head. Reaching out, she brushes some of the sweaty hair from his forehead and smiles. "Now? He's like... family? I guess. And I'd do anything for him." A long pause, before she takes a shaky breath.

"But I'd do a thousand times more for you." She whispers, staring at him seriously. Because I love you. But I won't say it, because I don't want to scare you off.

Eden presses a soft kiss to his lips.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 7, 2021 13:40:17 GMT
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he'd better ask to see her again. he'd better reach out. because he can tell that eden wants to see him again - not all fucked up and split open. but the broken parts of their relationship are still jagged and that's not something even her nimble fingers can stitch back together. 

he's about to say that maybe he'll come around and then he stiffens. huh. he wants to ask what happened. when did she say no? when did he come onto her? ( because there's no fucking way anyone would turn eden away. ) 

there's a bad taste in his mouth. it's jealousy, he knows, but eden's still a frail thing in his arms and he doesn't want to upset her. he softens when she keeps speaking. 

"i'm never gonna ask you for too much. i promise." he kisses her back, arm tightening around her, free hand holding her cheek.
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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2021 2:17:00 GMT
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Eden can see the way he tenses - see the way his body reacts to her words, and she sighs softly, licking her lips. "He loves, indiscriminately." She murmurs softly, her fingers lacing between his, pressing his hand harder to her cheek.

"But not in the way I need..." Eden's brows furrow, and she looks down, as if she's ashamed. "The way... She swallows, and laughs nervously. "Well, anyway. He's into men in the way it counts, so... There you have it." She pulls his hand down and away, resting it onto her knees.

"That's the sad story, and that's really all there is to it. Best friends, one's a drug addict, one's a hot steaming mess - who's working on it." She squeezes his hand. "With the help of her very handsome boyfriend... Who smells sort of like a wet dog right now, but that's okay."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 19:48:22 GMT
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oh. ohhh. ohhhh. he gets it, but also he doesn't really get it. because eden's drop-dead gorgeous and how could any guy, no matter how gay they think they are, not want her? especially if he's into her in the 'hey i want to be around you' kind of way. he doesn't voice his inner disbelief, though, just thinks on it while he cradles her. 

"oh, do i now?" he says and bows his head, holding her tight so she can't get away while he shakes his hair around her. sweat flies and he really does stink. 

"and you might be a hot mess, but you're my hot mess, got it? even if this guy gets knocked on the head and realizes what an idiot he is. he had his chance." 
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2021 21:58:00 GMT
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Eden laughs effortlessly at the way he shakes his head at her, pressing her hands against his face to try and push him away.

August!" She's into a fit of giggles, trying to squirm away from him. "You're making me stink, too!" Eden pouts and smushes his face a little bit as she holds it still, mushing his lips into a fishy lips face. "Now I'm going to need a shower, you stinky man." She gives him a little kiss on his forced fishy lips and squirms out of his grasp, standing up to skitter down the hall away from him.

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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 19:17:39 GMT
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"not a shower. anything but a shower," he says as she scampers away from. he lets her go, lets her disappear into the bathroom, before he gets to his feet and goes bounding after her like a dog might. 

when the water starts running, he goes to open the door, only to find it locked

"are you punishing me now?" he says with a dumb grin on his face. 
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 20:18:37 GMT
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Behind the door, Eden giggles — cackles, really — and presses her hand to the knob.

"What’s the password?" She calls out, drumming her fingers on the wood as the water runs behind her, steaming up the room.

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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2021 0:29:04 GMT
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"the password?" he tries the door again, but it's still locked (obviously). so he jiggles it again and he knocks at the door, and he tries everything under the sun except for saying anything else. until finally, he steps back, tiptoeing away from the door and back against the wall.

then he shouts and says, "well, if you won't let me in, guess i gotta make your sheets all stinky," before pretending to take off at a run.
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POSTED ON Sept 14, 2021 0:38:21 GMT
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Eden laughs softly and shakes her head. "You better not!! Just say the password! I’ll give you a hint…"

She leans against the door, cracking it open a little bit. "I’m not a princess, I’m a…?"

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